Lucky Love Masculinity (Mjf Spotlight Session) Скачать

Lucky Love

Masculinity (Mjf Spotlight Session)

79 Просмотров
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Текст песни

Лаки Лав Masculinity
Лаки Лав Маскулинность

It's been in my head for so long after
They told me these words I can't remember
It keeps coming on and on
They kept beating on and on my face
If they keep telling I'm a liar
Babe, it's not my fault I built these layers
I can't meet myself

What about my masculinity
What the fuck is wrong with my body
Am I not enough
Who gives you the right to run the rules
Who gives you the right to run the rules
What's wrong with you

Другие песни Lucky Love

Lucky Love


Lucky Love

Masculinity (Mjf Spotlight Session)

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